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Draft   to   enact   procedure
CURR.05 --- Reducing underground banking

Section   1   :   Preamble
  This Act is to enable citizens of India to reduce underground banking.

Section   2   : Format of the act
2.1 Many of the clauses of this law are procedures or instructions, which may be an order or a request. The clause has list of persons for whom that procedure/instruction is meant for.

Section   3   : Appointments of senior officers and their main powers
3.1 [Procedure for Finance Minister ] The Finance Minister of India will appoint a Registrar and an officer titled "Anti-Underground Banker Officer" or AUBO for short.

Section   4   : Stopping Underground Banking
4.1 [Procedure for AUBO] AUBO will create a list of countries which allow underground banking. After the approval of over 50% of the District Grand Juries, AUBO would ask each bank in India not to support ANY transactions with ANY bank in countries which allow underground bankers.
4.2 [Procedure for AUBO, Jurors] If any bank in India executes a transaction with an underground banker, AUBO can present the involved officer before the Jury in the District chosen at random, and the Jury can imprison the officer for at most 3 years.
4.3 [Procedure for AUBO] AUBO will also all request all the countries in the world that they should ask their banks not to involve in transactions with banks in countries which allow underground banking.
4.4 [Procedure for AUBO] After 6 month, AUBO will prepare a second list of countries where law-makers are deliberately NOT taking steps to stop transactions between banks of their countries and countries which allow or deal with underground banks. After the approval of over 50% of the District Grand Juries, AUBO will request all the banks of India to stop dealing with ALL banks in each of those countries.
4.5 [Procedure for AUBO] With the permission of over 50% of District Grand Juries, AUBO will issue a list of countries of citizens who will be prohibited from entering into India without special permission from MoEA(Ministry of External Affairs) and likewise, the citizens of India will be forbidden to travel in those countries without the permission from MoEA, and trade with those countries will be forbidden without permission of MoEA.

Eample : Say for example, if Switzerland's law-makers deliberately DO NOT make the rules requiring the banks to disclose the information, then AUBO can request the District Grand Jurors to support a notification to curb travel of ALL Swiss citizens into India and travel of India’s citizens to Switzerland.
4.6 [Procedure for AUBO] If a citizen of India travels to a "pro-underground-banker" country, the Jurors may impose a prison sentence when he returns, or confiscate his property if he doesnt not return.

Section   5   : Procedure for citizens to replace AUBO
5.1 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar; Purpose: allowing a citizen to be candidate for AUBO] Any citizen of India who wants citizens’ Approval for the position of AUBO can register himself with the Registrar. The Registrar will charge a deposit of Rs 20000 and a monthly fee Rs 2000 per month. There will be no fee after over 1% of ALL citizens of India have approved the candidate.
5.2 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, Registrar’s clerks] A citizen residing in India can present his ID and specify the serial numbers of at most 5 candidates he Approves for the position of AUBO. The clerk will enter the requests in the system and give the receipt to the citizen. The citizen to change his choices any day any month.
5.3 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar] The clerk may charge a fee of Rs 2 to Rs 5 to the citizen.
5.4 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar] The citizen can withdraw his Approvals any day. There will be no fee from withdrawing the Approvals.
5.5 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: PM ; Purpose: Replacement of AUBO] If any candidate for the seat of AUBO is approved by highest number of citizen-voters and over 25% of ALL citizen-voters of India, the PM will appoint him as new AUBO within 2 days. If any candidate is approved by over 25% of ALL citizen-voters and his approval is 1% more than existing AUBO, the PM will appoint him as new AUBO within 2 days.
5.6 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar ; ] Word "citizen" in the context of Approval, means citizen above 18 and registered voter resident in the city

Section   6   : Other Details
6.1 If the officer does not execute a procedure or ignores an instruction stated in this Resolution/Act, a citizen can file a complaint before the Grand Jurors. In case there are is no Grand Jury, the citizens can appeal to the PM to setup a Grand Jury. But under this law, a citizen cannot complaint before PM, Corporators, PM, MLAs, PM, or MPs.
6.2 The Jurors will judge this Act, guidelines, intentions as well as the facts related to the case

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(*) -- To see the text of proposed "Jury Trial over Central Govt Staff" Act, please click here.