The MRCM (Mine Rent for Citizens and Military) Party
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
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MRCM    Party's    social    responsibilities
Social commitments vs. Legal commitments
Curbing some of the superstitions
Teaching weapon use
Teaching Law, English and Maths
Informing citizens about corruption in judges and intellectuals
1.    Social commitments vs. Legal commitments
         What is a social commitment? Something that a group of individuals promise to fulfill without using laws and Govt structures, but strictly using persuasions and propagandas using their own time and resources. The social commitments are not binding on members. They are purely optional.
2.    Curbing some of the superstitions
         This is optional. The MRCM Party will do its best to eradicate superstitions, not religiosity or spirituality from India. One of our key agenda is to curb Astrology and Fatalism, not using law and not using state apparatus, but using plain simple propaganda. This is one reason why MRCM Party candidates will be required to start campaign on the worst “muhurat” of the week. And its not just traditional and religious superstitions we want to eradicate --- some secular superstitions are just as bad and need to be removed as well. eg we want to curb the blind faith concerned citizens have in judges, intellectuals, universities etc. We also want to curb the myth of “Political Culture” which has been used to deny administrative powers to citizens. These are what we call as Secular Superstitions.
         Now there are people who believe in Astrology and we would respect their beliefs. And so members are free not to follow this cause and so this is purely optional. But MRCM Party does want distinction from the rest – that sizeable members are taking a stand in public against Astrology.
3.    Teaching weapon use
         Every member will be required to take course in rifle training and will be required to fund the rifle training of at least one young person every year, till Universal Military education becomes a law. The highest form of Daan is Vidya Daan, the highest of highest form of Vidya Daan is teaching weapon use. We shall promote this Vidya Daan.
4.    Teaching Law, English and Maths
         The members will be required to learn and teach Maths, Law and English. Each member will have to spend at least Rs 1000 or 1% of his income, which ever is less, to teach Maths, Law and English to the poor.
5.    Informing citizens about corruption in judges and intellectuals
         This will be compulsory for all members. The members will be required to inform fellow members about corruption, nepotism of judges and intellectuals of India.
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