Bootstrapping ---- RLPP over District Heads
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Proposed administrative procedure - POL.02
Election/expulsion   of   District   Police Chief

  1. Background
  2. Existing procedure to appoint/expel district police chief
  3. Flaws with existing appointment/explusion procedure
  4. POL.02 : Election/recall of District Police Chief
  5. Draft of the act to create procedure POL.02


The purpose is to bring India's administration/courts at par with West. How? By improving record keeping in GoI-offices and reducing nexuses in GoI-offices and courts. How? We would need several laws to achieve that.

POL.02 is one of these proposed laws. (to see the list of some of the laws, please click here). The proposed law POL.02 creates a LESS nexusprone mechanism to appoint/expel District Police Chief.

Existing procedures to appoint/expel District Police Chief

The District Police Chief is appointed by CM and/or Home Minister. He generally belongs to IPS cadre, and CM/HM cannot expel him frim the cadre, but certainly transfer him to any district or insignificant post.

How/Why citizens suffer due to above appointment/explusion rules

The citizens have NO control over District Police Chief. So it is obvious that they become nexused with the local criminals etc, and also with the other local policemen, officers, MLAs/Ministers and even judges etc. All in all, there is NO motivation to serve the citizenry at large.

Election/recall of District Police Chief

The summary of the procedure is as follows
  1. The citizens residing in the district will elect the District Police Chief every 4 years.

  2. Whenever there is a District-wide poll for election of any officer such as District Education Officer, Mayor, District Panchayat Members etc., along with that poll, there will be a by-poll over District Police Chief.

  3. The by-poll's rules will be as follows
    1. Any person can be candidate for District Police Choef in the co-poll
    2. A candidate will become new Police Chief ONLY if the he gets over 50% of ALL registered citizen-voters (ALL, not just those who voted)
    3. The new Commissioner will be only for the remainder of the term

  4. In addition, any citizen can file a complain against Police Chief before the District Grand Jury, and if Grand Jurors see a prima facie case, they may call a Jury to examine the complain.

  5. If over 8 out of 12 Jurors declare the Police Chief as "unfit to serve the citizens", the Mayor will expel him, and declare a re-poll.

Draft of the act to create procedure POL.02

To enact the election/recall over District Police Chief, an act will need to be passed in the Assembly. To see the the drafts, please click here.

Now citizens can ask MLAs to pass these laws. But IMO, it will be wiser for citizens to first enact procedure LM.02, and then use LM.02 to pass this draft WITHOUT any help from MLAs. To know about procedure LM.02, please click here.

Proposed laws to improve RBI