# | Procedure for | Procedure / instruction
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| The word citizen would mean a registered voter
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| DC (District Collector)
| If any citizen of India wishes to become DEO (District Education Officer) of a District, and he appears in person or via a lawyer with affidavit before the DC of that District, the DC would accept his candidacy for DEO after taking filing fee same as deposit amount for MLA election.
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| Talati , (or Talati’s Clerks)
| If a citizen of that district comes in person to Talati’s office, pays Rs 5 fee , and approves at most five persons for the DEO position, the Talati would enter his approvals in the computer and would him a receipt with his voter-id#, date/time and the persons he approved.
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| Talati
| The Talati will put the preferences of the citizen on district’s website with citizen’s voter-ID number and his preferences.
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| Talati
| If a the citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the Talati will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee.
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| DC
| On every Monday, the DC will publish Approval counts for each candidate.
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# | Procedure for | Procedure / instruction
| -
| The word citizen would mean a registered voter
| 2
| CM
| If a candidate gets approval of over 51% of ALL registered citizen-voters (ALL, not just those who have filed their approval) in a district, then CM will expel the existing DEO and appoint the person with highest approval count as DEO.
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| CM
| If the person on the seat has come by approvals, and the person with highest approval must have 5% more approvals than existing one, then and then only the CM will appoint the person with highest approvals for that position.
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| CM
| If the person’s approval is below 33%, then CM may replace him with his appointee. But as long as approval is above 33% , CM will not replace him with his appointee.
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| MLAs, CM
| If over 50% of all citizens of the State have requested CM to ignore Approvals of a citizens of a particular district, then CM will ignore the approvals of that district and appoint DEO as per his discretion.
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