| Procedure for
| Procedure / instruction
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| Section-1 : Appointment and replacement of Jury Administrator
| CM
| Within 2 days after passing this law, the CMs shall appoint one Registrar for entire State and one JA (Jury Administrator) per District.
| Talati, Talati’s clerk
| A citizen residing in a District can present his ID and specify the serial numbers of (at most 5) candidates he Approves for the position of Jury Administrator in his District. The clerk will enter the requests in the systems and give the receipt to the citizen. The citizen to change his choices any day. The clerk shall charge a fee of Rs 3/-
| CM
| If any candidate is approved by highest number of citizen-voters and over 50% of ALL citizen-voters, the CM will appoint him as new JA for that District within 2 days. If any candidate is approved by over 25% of ALL citizen-voters and his approval count is 2% more than existing JA, the CM will appoint him as new JA within 2 days.
| CM
| With approval of over 51% of ALL citizen voters in that State, the CM can cancel clause-2 and clause-3 and appoint his own JA for 5 years.
| PM
| With approval of over 51% of ALL citizen voters in India, the PM can cancel cluase-2, clause-3 and above clause-4 for entire state or some of the districts and appoint JA for 5 years.
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| Section-2 : Formation of Grand Jury
| JA
| Using the voter list, the JA will, in a public meeting, randomly select 40 citizens from the voter-list of District, State or Nation as the Grand Jurors, from which he can exclude any 10 after interview so that finally there are 30 Grand Jurors. If the Jurors is appointed by CM or PM under clause-4 or clause-5 he may select up to 60 citizens and exclude 30.
| JA
| In the first set of Grand Jurors, JA will retire the first 10 Grand Jurors every 10 days and select 10 more using random selection from voter list of District or State or Nation.
| JA
| The JA cannot use any electronic device to select a number randomly. He will use the procedure detailed by CM. If CM has not specified the procedure, he will select as follow. Suppose JA has to choose a number between 1 and a four digit number - ABCD. Then JA will have 4 rounds of dice-throw for each digit. In a round if the digit he needs to select is between 0-5, then he will use only 1 dice and if the digit he needs to select is between 0-9, he will use 2 dices. The number selected will be 1 less than the number which comes in case of single-dice throw and 2 less in case of double-dice throw. If the throw of the dices exceeds the highest digit he needs, he will throw the dices again.. Example - Suppose JA needs to select a page in a book, which has 3693 pages. Then JA will execute 4 rounds. In the 1st round he will use 1 dice as he needs to select a number between 0-3. If the dice shows 5 or 6, he will throw the dice again. If the dice show 3, the number selected is 3-1=2, and JA will proceed to second round. In the second round, he needs to select a number between 0-6. So he will throw two dices. If the sum exceeds 8, he will throw the dices again. If the sum is suppose 6, the second digit selected is 6 - 2 = 4. Like that, suppose the dices in 4 rounds show 3, 5, 10 and 2. Then JA will select digits as (3-1), (5 -2), (10-2), (2-1) i.e. page number 2381. The JA should use different citizens to throw dices. Suppose the voter-list has B books, the largest book has P pages and all pages have N entries. Then using above method or method described by CM, JA will select 3 random numbers between 1-B, 1-P and 1-N. Now suppose selected book has less than that many pages or the selected page has fewer entries. Then he will again select a numbers between 1-B, 1-P and 1-N.
| JA
| The Grand Jurors will meet on every Saturday and Sunday. They may meet on more days if over 15 Grand Jurors approve. The number must be "over 15", even when less than 30 Grand Jurors are present. The meetings, if happen, must start at 11am and last till at least 5pm. The Grand Juror will get Rs. 200 per day he attends. The maximum payment a Grand Juror can get for his 1 month term will be Rs 2000. The JA will issue the checks 2 months after a Grand Juror completes the term. If the Grand Juror is out of district, he shall get Rs 400 per day of stay and if he is out state, he shall get Rs 800 per day of stay. In addition, they will get Rs 5 per kilometer of the distance between their home and court. The CM , PM may change the compensation as per inflation. All rupee amounts written in this clause and this law use WPI given by RBI in Jan-2008 and JA can change the amounts every six months using latest WPI.
| JA
| If a Grand Juror is absent on a meeting, he will not get Rs 100 for that day and may loose up to thrice his amount to be paid. The individuals who are Grand Jurors 30 days later will decide the fine.
| JA
| JA will start the meting at 11am. The JA arrive in the room before 10.30am. If a Grand Juror fails to arrive before 10:30am, JA will not allow him to attend the meeting and mark him absent.
| Section 3: Charging a citizen
| JA
| If any person, be a private person or District Prosecutor, has complaint against any other person, he can write to all or some Grand Jurors. The complainer must specify the remedy he wishes. The remedy can be obtaining possession of a property obtaining monetary compensation from the accused imprisoning the accused for certain number of years/months.
| JA
| If over 15 Grand Jurors, in a meeting, issue an invitation, the citizen may appear. The Grand Jurors may or may not invite the accused and complainer.
| JA
| If over 15 Grand Jurors declare that there is some merit in the complaint, the JA will call a Jury consisting of 12 citizens from the district to examine the complaint. The JA will select more than 12 citizens randomly, and send them summons to them, and of those who arrive, the JA will select 12 at random.
| JA
| JA will ask the Chief District Judge to appoint one or more Judges to preside over the case. If the property in dispute is worth above Rs 25 lakhs or compensation claim is above Rs 100,000 and/or the maximum prison sentence is above 12 months, the JA will request Chief Judge to appoint 3 judges or else he will request Chief Judge to appoint 3 Judges for the case. The Chief Judge's decision on appointing number of Judges in the case will be final.
| Section-4 : Conducting a trial
| Presiding Judge
| The trial will go from 11am to 4pm. The trial will start only after all 12 Jurors and the complainer have arrived. If any party has not arrived, the parties who have arrived must wait till 4pm and then only they can go home.
| Presiding Judge
| The Judge will allow the complainer to speak for 1 hour, during which no can interrupt. Then Judge will allow the employee to speak for 1 hour during which no one can interrupt. Like this, the Judge will alternate case. The case will go on like this on every day.
| Presiding Judge
| The case will go for at least 2 days. On the 3rd or later, if over 7 Jurors declare that they have heard enough, the case will go on for 1 more day. If on the next day, over 7 out of 12 Jurors declare that they would like to hear more arguments, the case will go on till over 7 say that case should end.
| Presiding Judge
| On the last day, after both parties have presented the case for 1 hour each, the Jurors will deliberate for at least 2 hours. If after 2 hours, over 7 Jurors say that they need no more deliberation, the Judge will ask each to declare his verdict.
| Grand Jurors
| In case a Juror or a party does not show up or shows up late, the Grand Jurors after 3 months will decide the fine, which can be up to Rs 5000 or 5% of his wealth, whichever is higher.
| Presiding Judge
| In case of fine, each Juror will state the fine he thinks is appropriate, and MUST be less than the legal limit. If it is higher than legal limit, the Judge shall take it as legal limit. The Judge will arrange the fine amounts stated in increasing order, and take the 3rd highest fine, i.e. fine that is approved by over 8 out of 12 Jurors, as the fine collectively imposed by the Jury.
| Presiding Judge
| In case of prison sentence, the Judge will arrange the sentence lengths cited by Jurors which must be below the maximum sentence as stated in the Law accused is charged with breaking, in increasing order. And the Judge will take the 3rd highest sentence i.e. prison sentence approved by over 8 out 12 Jurors, as the prison sentence collectively decided by the Jury.
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| Section-5 : The judgment, execution and appeal
| District Police Chief
| The District Police Chief or policemen designated by him will execute the fine and/or imprisonments as given by the Judge and approved by the Jurors.
| District Police Chief
| If 4 or more Jurors do NOT ask for any confiscation or fine or prison sentence, the Judge will declare the accused as innocent and the District Police Chief will take no action against him.
| Accused, Complainer
| Either party will have 30 days to appeal against the verdict in the State's High Court or the Supreme Court of India.
| Section-6 : Protection of Fundamental Rights of the Citizens
| All Govt Employees
| No Govt employee will impose any fine or prison sentence without consent of over 8 out of 12 Jurors of the Lower Courts, unless approved by the Jurors of High Courts or the Jurors or Supreme Court. No Govt employee will imprison any citizen for more than 24 hours without approval of over 15 out 30 District or State Grand Jurors.
| To everyone
| The Jurors will decide the facts as well as intensions, and shall also interpret the laws as well the Constitution.
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