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Draft   to   enact   procedure  
ELE.04   ---   Controlling Electricity Consumption

Section   1   :   Preamble
  The Act is to create an administrative procedure, using which, citizens can improve control over electricity consumption in the State, if the need be.

Section   2   : Appointments of senior officers
2.1 [Person responsible for this procedure : CM] If and when there is a need to put a limit on electricity consumption, the CM will appoint a Registrar for the State.

Section   3   : Deciding quota
3.1 [Person responsible for this procedure : CM] If and when there is a need to put a limit on electricity consumption, the CM will appoint a Registrar for the State. He will also decide per person electricity quota. The CM will also decide the fine per kWhr of amount a person consumes more than the quotas he has obtained.

Section   4   : Deciding per citizen consumption
4.1 The Registrar will multiply per person quota as decided by CM with following multipliers :
  1. Age : If a person is below 18, Mage = 0.5, if age is above 55 for female or above 60 for male, Mage=2 else Mage=1
  2. Number of male children : if the person has 0 male child, Mmc = 2.0, if he has 1 male child, Mac=1.0, if has 2 male child, Mac=0.75 and for over 2 male child, Mac=0.33 (at least 1 male child should be born after passing of this act, twins will NOTY be coounted).
  3. Number of female children : If the person has 1-2 female child and less than 1 male child, Mfc=1.5, otherwise Mfc=1.0.
The electricity quota of a perticular person person will quota as decided CM multiplied by above multipliers. The CM will announce the monthly quota between 1st and 5th of the previous month.

Example : say CM decides electricity quota as 100 kWhr per person per month. Then consider a person who is 61 and has had only 1 female child. Then
Mage = 2.0
Mmc = 2.0
Mfc = 1.5
His monthly electricity quota will be = 100 * 2 * 2 * 1.5 = 600 units.

Section   5   : Transfer of Quota
5.1 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar] Any person, company etc who wishes to purchase elecricity quota from citizens can register himself with the Registrar. The Registrar will use his citizen number or issue a new serial number if the buyer is a non-person entity like company etc.
5.2 (i)The citizen can give his ID and upto 5 buyers' numbers, and specify the percentage of his quota he gives to each buyer (the percentages must add up to 100 or less) (ii) the clerk will allocate percent his monthly electricity quota to the buyers (iii)The clerk will provide a receipt to the citizen which will have citizen’s ID number, buyers numbers, date and a serial number. (iii)The citizen can change the buyers' any day.
5.3 The clerk can charge a fee of Rs 2 from the citizen.
5.4 Every week the Registrar will issue the list of electricity buyers and percent of allowances citizens have given them.
5.5 The kWhr amount of a buyer will be determined by the quotas a buyer has obtained from citizens multiplied KWhr per quota decided by CM in the month.
5.6 The Registrar will require the electricity distribution companies to report meter readings (i.e. consumption) along with meter-numbers, and citizen-number or serial number given by Registrar associated with the meter. Based on this data, the Registrar will compute the consumption of each buyer. If the consumption exceeds the quota that that buyer had obtained, the Registrar will issue a fine which will be amount by which is the amount that consumption execeeds the quota multipled by fine per kWhr as decided by the CM.

Section   6   : Other Details
6.1 If the officer does not execute a procedure or ignores an instruction stated in this Resolution/Act, a citizen can file a complaint before the Grand Jurors. In case there are is no Grand Jury, the citizens can appeal to the Mayor to setup a Grand Jury. But under this law, a citizen cannot complaint before Mayor, Corporators, CM, MLAs, PM, or MPs.
6.2 The Jurors will judge this Act, guidelines, intentions as well as the facts related to the case

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