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Draft   to   enact   procedure  
EAS.12   ---   Equal   Allowance   System   over   Forest Woods

DRAFT-1 (citizens need to pass this draft in the Parliament)

Transfer    of    Forests    from    Union    to    the    States

  1. The Union Govt of India will declare all the forests in a State, as the property of the citizen-residents of the State, after the State Assembly passes a resolution requesting the transfer of forests.

  2. The resolution must be passed with DIRECT YESes from over 33% of voters of the State, not merely the YESes of MLAs.

-------------------------------- End of DRAFT-1 --------------------------------

  DRAFT-2 (citizens need to pass this draft in the State Assembly)

Equal Allowace System over Forest Wood Act

Equal Allowance System over Forest Wood --- Section   1   :   Preamble
  Every citizen resident in the State has equal rights over royalty obtained by the forest woods on the land owned by the Govts. This Act is to create administrative procedures, using which, citizens can directly obtain the royalty over forest woods on the Govt-owned lands.

Section   2   : Format of the act
2.1 Many of the clauses of this law are procedures or instructions, which may be an order or a request. The clause has list of persons for whom that procedure/instruction is meant for.

Section   3   : Appointing senior officers and plotting of forests
3.1 [Person responsible for this procedure : Minister of Forests, State Govt] Within 15 days after passing of this law, the Minister will appoint 1 Registrar, 1 Forest Plotting Officer and 1 Forest Guard for each District. The Minister may appoint 1 person for more than 1 posts in more than one districts.

3.2 [Person responsible for this procedure : Forest Plotting Officer] Within 30 days after appointment, the Forest Plotting Officer will publish the plot boundaries for the forests in the District, and for each plot, he will decide the length of lease and the amount of forest woods a wood-cutting company may cut every month from that plot, and conditions attached.

3.3 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar] The companies interested in cutting the forest wood from the plots will register their bids PUBLICLY before the Registrar. The bid will be in terms of fraction of forest wood cut that the companies would give to the citizens. The company which bids the highest fraction will get the lease of the forest plot.

Section   4   : Procedures to allocate forest wood allowances
4.1 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar ; ] The Registrar will issue a serial number to any person or company which wants to obtain the forest wood.
4.2 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, Registrar’s Clerks ; Purpose: Allocation of citizen’s forest wood allowance] (i) When the citizen gives his ID and serial number of a company/person interested in obtaining woods from that district, the clerk will allocate Forest Wood Allowance of that citizen to that person/company. (ii)The clerk will provide a receipt to the citizen which will have citizen’s ID card number, forest wood user’s number, date and a serial number. (iii)The citizen can change the company/person any day.
4.3 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, Clerks; Purpose: Funding of Allocation] The clerk can charge a fee of upto Rs 5 from the citizen per allocation
4.4 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar] Every month the Registrar will issue the list of companies/persons who hold the forest wood allowances and list of citizens who have given allowances to them.

Section   5   : Procedures to allocate forest wood
5.1 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Forest Guard ; Purpose : actual allocation of forest wood] At plots, the Forest Guard will ensure that wood cutting company divides the forest wood that has been cut in appropriate number of heaps containing almost equal amount of wood by weight.

5.2 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Forest Guard : Purpose : Actual allocation of forest wood] The forest wood alloance holder with highest number of allowances will decide the heap to be auctioned. For that heap, the allowance holders (or their agents) can bid for that heap. The bid will be in terms of Allowances that they have obtained from the citizens. The Forest Guard will let the last heaps left for the wood cutting companies.

Example : Say the wood cutting company is supposed to keep 20% of the forest wood. Say in a week, 50 ton forest wood has been been cut. The Forest Guard can ask the wood cutting company to make 50 heaps of 1 ton each. Now say there are 5 forest wood allowance holder named A, B, C D and E having say 10000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000 and 20000 Allowances. Now one with highest i.e. 20000 allowance will decide which heap should be auctioned. For that heap, each user will give his bid. Say E wins the bid with 3000 Allowances. Now at the end of this round, D has highest number of Allowances. So D will decide the next heap to be auctioned. And so forth. Like that, A, B, C, D and E will get 40 heaps, and the last 10 heaps i.e. 20% wood left will go to the wood cutting company.

Section   5A   : Procedures for providing pensions to Elders

Same as section 5A of EAS.01.
(please click here to see the entire section. )

Section   5B   : Procedures to reduce population growth

same as section 5B of EAS.01
(please click here to see the entire section. )

Section   6   : Procedures to replace Forest Guard, Registrar, Plotting Officer and Wood Cutting Company
6.1 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar] Any citizen of India who wants citizens’ Approval for the position of Forest Guard in a district can register himself with the Registrar of that district. The Registrar will charge a registration fee of Rs 1000 and a monthly fee Rs 100 per month. There will be no fee after over 5% of ALL citizens have approved the candidate.
6.2 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar, Registrar’s clerks] A citizen residing in a district can present his ID and specify the serial numbers of (at most 5) candidates he Approves for the position of Forest Guard. The clerk will enter the requests in the systems and give the receipt to the citizen. The citizen may change his choices any day any month.
6.3 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar] The clerk may charge a fee of upto Rs 5 from the citizen.
6.4 [Person responsible for this procedure : Registrar] The citizen can withdraw his Approvals any day. There will be no fee from withdrawing the Approvals.
6.5 [Person responsible for this procedure : Minister of Forests] If any candidate is approved by highest number of citizen-voters and over 25% of ALL citizen-voters in that district, the Minister will appoint him as new Forest Guard within 2 days. If any candidate is approved by over 25% of ALL citizen-voters and his approval is 1% more than existing Forest Guard, the Minister will appoint him as new Forest Guard within 2 days. The Minister cannot remove a Forest Guard, previously approved by citizens, unless Approval goes below 20% of ALL citizens.
6.6 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar ; Purpose:] Word "citizen" in the context of Approval, means citizen above 18 and registered voter resident in the city
6.7 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, CM ; Purpose: Replacement of Forest Plotting Officer] The Registrar and CM will also use procedures listed in 6.1 - 6.5 to enable citizens to replace Forest Plotting Officer.
6.8 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, CM ; Purpose: Replacement of Forest Plotting Officer] The Registrar and CM will also use procedures listed in 6.1 - 6.5 to enable citizens to replace Registrar.
6.9 [Person responsible for this procedure/directive: Registrar, CM ; Purpose: Replacement of Forest Plotting Officer] The Registrar and CM will also use procedures listed in 6.1 - 6.5 to enable citizens to replace the forest cutting company on any of the plots.

Section   7   : Other Details
7.1 The rupee amount used in this text uses July-2000 price levels. The officers in-charge can adjust the amounts every six months using RBI’s Inflation Index.
7.2 If the officer does not execute a procedure or ignores an instruction stated in this Resolution/Act, a citizen can file a complaint before the Grand Jurors of the Districts in which the district falls. Under this law, a citizen cannot complaint before any Minister, officers or judges.
7.3 The Jurors will judge this Act, guidelines, intentions as well as the facts related to the case

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