MRCM (Mine Royalties for Citizens and Military) Party
Aham Rashtrim Vasunam Sangamani                                              Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
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Equal    Allowance    System    Over    Underground    Water

  1. Administrative details
  2. First Procedure for citizens : Allocation of monthly allowance
  3. Second procedure for the citizens – Replacement procedure over Water Guard
  4. How do these two procedures increase monthly incomes of poor/elders
  5. Third Procedure - Review by Jury
  6. Summary of EAS-01’s Procedures
  7. Conclusion
  8. Draft of the act to create procedure EAS.01
  9. Is EAS very complicated for citizens?
  10. Can cost be covered in the Rs 2 to Rs 5 charged by the Registrar?
  11. Will a citizen need to file his Allocation every month?
  12. What will be the number of clerks needed to manage Allocation of Water Allowances?
  13. What will motivate citizens to file/withdraw Approvals for Water Guard?
  14. Wont "Free rider problem" affect replacement procedure?
  15. How can bore-owner force bore-owners to install proper meters?
  16. Why use a Jury and not a judge to decide cases on Underground Water
  17. A technical issue : How can Water Guard stop theft of Water?

1.    Background

         The purpose is to reduce poverty. How? By ensuring that every citizen gets equitable share in the "rent" or "deemed rent" of mineral mines and GoI plots. How? I have proposed several laws to enable that. EAS.01 is one of these proposed laws which operates on Underground Water.

2.    Administrative details

         This procedure comes into existence AFTER citizens have enacted EAS-UW Act. The draft of the Act is given later in this chapter.

  1. The CM will appoint 2 officers : Registrar and Water Guard. The Registrar will issue a registration number to every bore-owner. The Water Guard is supposed to ensure the metering of the bores.
  2. The Assembly will decide the maximum amount of water a citizen can draw from ground in a month, called as Citizen’s Monthly Allowance of Underground Water (eg it can be 1200 liters per person per month).
  3. First procedure for citizen : The citizen can transfer his monthly allowance to any bore-owner.
  4. Second procedure for citizen : A citizen can approve a person of his choice for the position of Water Guard. The Mayor will change the Water Guard if sufficient number of citizens Approve a particular candidate.
  5. Third procedure for citizen : If a citizen has evidences against wrong doings of an employee, he can present it before a Jury made by selecting 12 citizens at random from the City, and the Jury may expel the officer if they are convinced by the evidences.

         These procedures of EAS will FORCE bore-owners to pay money directly to those who are consuming less than average amount of water. I will explain how this force to give cash comes.

3.    First Procedure for citizens : Allocation of monthly allowance

         As per the proposed EAS-UW Act, each citizen has a fixed Allowance over Underground Water which he may "allocate" to any bore-owner. The sequence of steps for allocation are as follows (please note how similar it is to railway reservation system)

  1. The citizen will give his ration card (or voter-ID) to Registrar's clerk and a slip/form (similar to slip in railway reservation). On the slip, the citizen will write name and Registration number of the bore-owner.
  2. The clerk will enter the ration card number, the citizen’s name, the bore-owner’s name, the Registration number of the bore-owner etc.
  3. The Registrar’s clerk will charge Rs 2 - Rs 3 from the citizen as "Allowance Allocation fee".
  4. The system will print receipts similar to railway reservation ticket. The receipt will have a serial number, date, name and code of the clerk. A sample is shown below.
          Allocation of My Monthly Allowance of Underground Water 
                                (Fee : Rs 3)
    Dear Mayor, 
             I advice you to Allocate my Allowance of Underground Water
    to the following bore owner - The Citizen.  
                        Receipt Number : 3245-345-01                 
                                  Date : 28/03/2001
          Citizen's Ration Card Number : 67897899  
                        Citizen’s Name : Prakash Mehta   
                      Bore Owners Name : Shrimali Factories
                    Bore Owners Number : 08767
    Clerk’s name, number, sign  Suresh Pandya/67-092/S Pandya 
    Citizen’s Thumb Print
  5. The citizen can Re-allocate his Monthly Allowance to a different bore-owner any day he wishes. The Re-allocation will cancel his previous Allocation.
  6. But next month, if the citizen wants to Allocate his Monthly Allowance to the same bore owner, he NEED NOT visit the Registrar’s office at all.
  7. Every bore-owner will get a list of citizens who have Allocated him the allowances and those who have withdrawn. A sample of the list that every bore-owner will get is shown below (The list has 3 parts as shown below)
      Allocation of Monthly Allowances of Underground Water   (June-2000)
                                             Bore Owner Name : Shrimali Factory
                                           Bore Owner Number : 21-10356
             Each Citizen’s Monthly Allowance for this month : 2600 liters
                       Monthly Allowances you had last month : 12,575
             Monthly Allowances citizens gave you last month : 42
            Monthly Allowances citizens took away last month : 39
                                  Net change over last month : 3 Increase
                      Monthly Allowances you have this month : 12,578
          You are entitled to draw  2600 * 12578 = 32,702,800 liters 
          of water from bore this month


    Ration Card No No of family members Name Receipt No
    1372016 6 Kalra, Brij M 95499
    1664672 3 Amin, Vrijlal 84709
    2185188 4 Dhillon, Jay 58783
    2604239 1 Mehta, Vimal 74022
    3644667 3 Pathak, Surekha 14964
    4210275 1 Holkar, Babu 19675
    4633510 4 Ramesh, P 42995
    4020310 5 Khan, Akbar 62586
    5637330 3 Divakar, Sudhir 57412
    5652714 2 Patel, Navinchandra 74898
    6124705 3 Parekh, Sudha 99653
    9002112 3 Singh, Jasvir 62714
    9353809 1 Singh, H 56375
    8141273 3 Divan, H 49508
    TOTAL 42


    Ration Card No No of family members Name Receipt No
    1026247 3 Divan, Sudhir 58783
    2488964 5 Mehta, Vimal 84709
    4731887 4 Jain, Bimal 62586
    5745430 6 Patel, Suhas 74898
    5770579 3 Khan, Suhel 95499
    5773218 2 Sai, Samir 14964
    8631544 4 Shankar, P 42995
    8680565 3 Khan, Suleman 74022
    8680962 3 Seth, Vineet 19675
    9303822 3 3 Singh, Jasvinder 57412
    TOTAL 39
    . . . .
    Total Changes Increase of 42 Decrease of 39 Net Increase of 3

         Effect of Allocation of Monthly Allowances on a bore-owner

         Suppose the Mayor decides Monthly Allowance of each citizen as 2000 liters. Now say 1000 citizens gave their Monthly Allowances to a bore-owner. Then as per EAS-UW Act, that bore-owner can draw at most (1000 Allowances * 2000 liters per Allowance) = 20 lakh liters of water from the ground. If he draws more water, as per EAS-UW act, he can be fined. If during the month, 200 citizens leave him and 100 join him, then he will have 1000 - 200 + 100 = 800 + 100 = 900 Allowances. So bore-owner can draw at most (900 Allowances * 2000 liters per Allowance) = 18,00,000 liters. Drawing more water will be illegal as per the Act.

4.    Second procedure for the citizens – Replacement procedure over Water Guard

         The Water Guard is the officer in charge to force every bore-owner to put a water meter and punish a bore owner if he extracts more water than the Monthly Water Allowances he has obtained from the citizens. But what if the Water Guard takes bribe and lets the bore-owners draw water without Allowances. How can citizens stop this? The EAS has a cheap/fast nexusless administrative procedure by which citizens can replace the dishonest officer with someone they think is better. This summary of the procedure is as follows :

Summary of Replacement of Water Guard by RLPP
  1. The initial appointment is done by the Mayor
  2. A citizen, after paying say Rs 2 to Rs 5 fee, can register his Approvals for upto 5 Water Guard candidates.
  3. The citizen may withdraw his Approval without paying any fee.
  4. If over 51% citizens have Approved a candidate and he has over 2% more Approvals than the existing officer, the candidate with more Approval will become the new officer.

         Details of Replacement of Water Guard by RLPP
  1. Any person who wishes to be the Water Guard, can register himself as a candidate.
  2. A citizen may walk to Registrar’s office, show his voter-ID to the clerk and on a slip (similar to slip in railway reservation), write names/numbers of up to 5 candidates he Approves. Approval registering is purely optional, a citizen may or may not do it at all.
  3. The clerk will charge Rs 2 - Rs 5 from the citizen as Approval Registration Fee.
  4. The clerk will punch in the ration card number, the name/serial-number of the candidates etc. in the computer. The computer will print receipts similar to railway reservation ticket. A sample lay out of the receipt is shown below. The receipt will have a serial number, date, name and code of the clerk.. A sample layout of the receipt that the citizen will get when he registers his approvals is as follows

                    Approval For Water Guard (Fee : Rs 3)
    Dear Mayor, 
          I advice you to appoint any of the below mentioned individuals as the
     Water Guard. - The Citizen.  
                        Receipt Number : 3245-345-01                 
                                  Date : 28/03/2001
          Citizen's Ration Card Number : 67897899  
                        Citizen’s Name : Prakash Mehta   
          Candidates Approved
                  Number Name  
                    004  Jasbir. Singh    
                    045  Rajesh Shah  
                    078  Hari Sawant  
          Clerk’s name, number, sign  Suresh Pandya/67-092/S Pandya 
          Citizen’s Thumb Print  

  5. A citizen can withdraw the Approvals anytime any day. Following is the SAMPLE of the layout of the Receipt which a citizen will get when he withdraws his Approval.

              Withdrawing the Approval For Water Guard (Fee : ZERO)
    Dear Mayor, 
        I am withdrawing approvals for the following candidates - The Citizen.  
                        Receipt Number : 3245-763-56                 
                                  Date : 30/04/2001
          Citizen's Ration Card Number : 67897899  
                        Citizen’s Name : Prakash Mehta   
          Candidates Disapproved
                   Number Name  
                     004  Jasbir Singh    
                     078  Hari Sawant  
          Clerk’s name, number, sign  Suresh Pandya/67-092/S Pandya 
          Citizen’s Thumb Print  

  6. A citizen need NOT file Approval each and every month. A citizen needs to file Approval ONLY when he wants to withdraw an Approval or he wants to Approve one more candidate.
  7. Counting approvals : The Approval-Count is decided as follows
    • Suppose a city has 100,000 citizen-voters. Suppose there are 10 candidates for a post. We will call them C1, C2, …. C10.
    • Suppose a citizen approves C1, C2 and C4. Then Approval-Counts of C1, C2, C4 will each increase by 1.
    • Suppose the same citizen after a few withdraws approval of C2 and approves C1, C5 and C6.

  8. Then, the approval counts change as follows
    • Approval-Count of C2 will go down by 1
    • Approval-Count of C4 will not change
    • Approval-Count of C1 will not change, as he had already approved C1
    • Approval-Counts of C5, C6 will increase by 1

  9. Printing Lists - Notifying the candidates about Approvals and Withdraws (=Recalls) : The Registrar will print citizens’ lists (similar to passenger’s lists in railways) for each candidate showing which citizen has Approved him and which citizen withdrew his Approval. The list will be on web-site for free. A sample of the list that each candidate will get is as follows
                   Approval Counts for Water Guard June 2008
                              Candidate Name : Singh, Jasbir
                            Candidate Number : 1205
    Citizens who had approved you last month : 245,673
            Citizens Approved you this month : 10
        Citizens who withdrew their Approval : 5
       No. of citizens who have approved you : 245,678 out of 546,676
        % of citizens who have ap[proved you : 44.94%

    New Approvals . . .
    . Card No Name Receipt No.
    1 2158112 Divan, Sudhir 21851
    2 2350222 Mehta, Vimal 58783
    3 2885461 Jain, Bimal 40203
    4 3156068 Patel, Suhas 13720
    5 3737486 Khan, Suhel 42995
    6 4040625 Sai, Samir 36446
    7 4514433 Shankar, P 56375
    8 4759652 Khan, Suleman 57412
    9 5176682 Seth, Vineet 99653
    10 5311764 Singh, Jasvinder 19675
    . New Approvals 10 .

    Recalls . . .
    . Card No Name Receipt No.
    1 4020310 Khan, Akbar 14964
    2 4210275 Holkar, Babu 19675
    3 4633510 Ramesh, P 42995
    4 5637330 Divakar, Sudhir 57412
    5 5652714 Patel, Navinchandra 74898
    . Approvals Removed . 5

  10. Replacing the officer based on Approval-Counts
    • Initially the Water Guard is appointed by the CM.
    • Till any candidate obtains Approvals from 25% citizens, the Mayor's appointee will continue.
    • If and when over 25% of ALL registered citizens approve a candidate, then the Mayor will appoint THAT candidate as the new Water Guard.
    • Now after the replacement, say some another candidate gets 2% more Approvals the existing Water Guard, Then the Mayor will appoint the another candidate as the new Water Guard.

Is fee of Rs 3 sufficient?
         Now can cost be covered in the Rs 2 to Rs 5 charged by the Registrar? Yes. First, the cost is a non-issue as the fee is voluntarily paid by the citizen who intends to file an approval or a disapproval. It may or may not bring the desired result every time, but that is true for every known administrative procedure. Lets take some details of cost. Consider one clerk, with a Personal Computer and a printer. How many receipts will that clerk print in a day, and what will be the cost to support him?

   Time clerk took to enter the information        = at most 3 minutes  
   Number of entries a clerk can make in an hour   = over 60/3 = 20  
   Number of hours a clerk will work in a day      = 7 hrs/day
   Number of forms a clerk can fill in a day       = 20 * 7 = 140
   Expenses (Stationary etc) to print 140 receipts = less than Rs 50  
   Rent of Computer, Printer  per day              = less than Rs 50  
   Maximum (Salary etc) expense of a clerk per day = Rs 250   
   Costs of printing  140 Receipt                  = less than Rs 350  
   Cost (Salary + Stationary) per Allocation       = less than Rs 2.50  

         Thus, even with Rs 3/- fee, the procedure is 100% self funded. And with a fee of Rs 4/-, RLPP is very much feasible. And if work load increases, the Registrar can hire more temporary clerks and the transaction fee of Share Allocation will pay for them.

5.    How do these two procedures increase monthly incomes of poor/elders

  1. Suppose a factory owner needs 5000,000 liters of underground water a month and say citizen’s allowance is 1000 liters a month. The factory owner has ONLY two options : Option-1)ask some slum dwellers to visit Registrar’s office and allocate their monthly allowances to the factory. Option-2)bribe the water guard.
  2. Bore-owner chooses Option -1 : If the factory-owner does not pay an allowance-giver (typically a poor person) every month in time, the giver is likely to allocate his allowance to someone else. So in general, the factory-owner will have to pay the givers every month for their allowance
  3. Bore-owner chooses Option -2 : Say the bore-owners bribe the Water Guard and he lets them take water without allowances. Then the bore-owners will offer less and less to the poor citizens. Due to economic loss and hatred, the poor citizen will run to Registrar’s officer to approve another candidate. So sooner or later, a non-corrupt officer will become Water Guard, and so Option-2 will no longer be an option.
  4. Thus poors’ monthly income will increase.
  5. Since the Elders have 4 times the monthly allowance, the system will create a monthly pension for them.

6.    Third Procedure - Review by Jury

         I will describe this procedure later

7.    Summary of EAS-01’s Procedures

         Procedure 1 : A citizen, with ration card can approach Registrar’s clerk. The citizen will fill out a form/slip stating bore-owner’s number. The clerk will enter the details into the computer system and print a receipt

         Procedure 2 : If for any reason, what-so-ever, the citizen does not like the Water Guard, he may go the Registrar’s office and Approve at most 5 candidates who want to be Water Guard. He will suggest his approval on a form. The clerk will netr the details in the computer and the system will print a receipt.

         Procedure 3 : The CM can resign or appoint 4 officers Water Guard, Jury Administrator, Registrar, Accountant.

         Procedure 4 : If a candidate gets Approval of highest number of citizens and over 25% of ALL citizens, the CM will appoint him as the new Water Guard in 2 days. Later, if the Water Guard’s Approval goes below 20% the Mayor will replace him in 2 days.

8.    Conclusion

         Reducing poverty is not an easy, but a trivially easy problem. There are 2 simple Clerical procedures that can reduce the poverty, or perhaps altogether eradicate it.

         The commonly suggested remedies are revolution, reforms, education, infrastructure-improvements, mass awareness, mass agitations, system-change, etc. etc. But all in all, my point is that a few mere mortal Clerical Procedures can reduce Indians’ miseries. And so I see no need for complicated solutions like revolution, reforms, infrastructure-building, changing social ethos etc. when a simple solution exists.

         The EASUW is just a simple sample. I decided to make it one of the first steps as mere Corporation/Panchayat level Resolution is sufficient. EASUW will reduce poverty by Rs 10 - Rs 50 per person per month, and will create an image for other EASs. Once the poor citizens see, smell, touch, feel and use the cash they obtained from Water-Allowances, they will learn on their own how the EASs for coal, minerals, crude-oil, bandwidth etc would get them more and more cash.

         All citizens need to do is pass the EAS Act. And all Mayor/CM need to do is to appoint 2-3 officers, Registrar and Guard etc. And within 2-3 months poor citizens will start getting cash for their Allowance. And thus the poverty will reduce .

9.    Draft of the act to create procedure EAS.01

         To enact EAS over Underground Water, the citizens would need to pass "EAS-UW Act" in the State Assemblies. The draft of the Act is given here.

         Equal Allowance System over Underground Water --- Section 1 : Preamble
         The Act is to create an administrative procedure, using which, citizens can directly obtain control and royalty over underground water, which is a state owned natural resource.

# Procedure for Procedure / instruction
. . Section-1 : Preamble
The Act is to create an administrative procedure, using which, citizens can directly obtain control and royalty over underground water, which is a state owned natural resource.
. . .
. . Section-2 : Format of the act
1 --- Many of the clauses of this law are procedures or instructions, which may be an order or a request. The clause has list of persons for whom that procedure/instruction is meant for.
. . .
. . Section-3 : Appointments of senior officers and their main powers
1 CM Within 2 days after passing this law, the CM will appoint 4 persons for every district as the Registrar, Water Guard, Accountant and Jury Administrator. He may assign these responsibility to existing officers such as Collector, Additional Collectors etc.
. . .
. . Section-4 : IDs
1 Registrar The Registrar will use ration card as an ID in the beginning
2 Registrar Later the Registrar may issue a Allowance Card to every citizen residing in the city, which will have finger print, bar-code, magnetic strip etc. Or he may use any ID given by any State or Central Govt Authority as ID
. . .
. . Section-5 : Procedures to decide monthly water Allowance of every bore-owner
1 Registrar, Registrar’s Clerks
  • When the citizen gives his ration card and bore-owner’ number, the clerk will allocate Monthly Allowances of the citizen’s family members to that bore-owner.
  • The clerk will provide a receipt to the citizen which will have citizen’s ration card number, bore-owner’s number, date and a serial number.
2 Registrar The clerk can charge a fee of Rs 3 or lesser from the citizen .
3 Registrar Every week the Registrar will issue the list of bore-owners and number of Allowances citizens have given them.
4 CM Based on availability and requirement, the Cabinet will decide the amount of Water a citizen can draw from the ground in each District or Tahsil (Citizen’s Monthly Allowance of underground water). The CM will also decide the fine (per 1000 liters) for drawing more water than the Monthly Water Allowances bore-owners will have to pay for each District
5 Registrar The liter-amount per Citizen’s Monthly Allowance multiplied by number of Monthly Allowances that a bore-owner has obtained from citizens will determine that bore-owner’s monthly allowance of underground water.
6 Registrar The Registrar will issue a serial number to any person or company or co-operative or association which wants to draw water from the ground using an electric motor. This law will not apply on hand-pumps.
7 Registrar The Registrar recruits clerks using competitive exams , or will take existing clerks from State Govt
. . .
. . Section-5A : Procedures for providing pensions to Elders
1 Registrar Six months after passing this law, the Registrar will issue 3 Monthly Allowances to each citizen below 60 and 12 Monthly Allowances to citizens above 60
. . .
. . Section-6B : Procedures to reduce population growth , reduce female infanticide
1 Registrar Twelve months after passing this law, after re-approval of over 50% of the Corporators a)the Registrar will reduce 33% Allowances of men and women who have more than 2 children, the last children one must be born 2 years after this law is passed. b)the Registrar will reduce 66% Allowances of men and women who have more than 3 children, the last two children must be born 2 years after this law is passed
2 Registrar The Registrar will count 2 or less female children will count as 1 child in case of the above clause
3 Registrar Twelve months after passing this law, after re-approval of over 50% of the MLAs or citizens, the Registrar will give additional 33% Allowances to each parent with 1 or more female child and 66% additional Allowances to those with 2 or more female children.
. . .
. . Section-6 : Procedures to replace Water Guard and Registrar
1 Registrar A citizen residing in the city can present his ration card and specify the serial numbers of (at most 5) candidates he Approves for the position of Water Guard. The clerk will enter the requests in the systems and give the receipt to the citizen. The citizen to change his choices any day any month.
2 Registrar The clerk will charge a fee of Rs 3
3 Registrar The citizen can withdraw his Approvals any day. There will be no fee from withdrawing the Approvals.
4 CM If any candidate is approved by highest number of citizen-voters and over 51% of ALL citizen-voters, the CM will resign or appoint him as new Water Guard of that District within 2 days. If any candidate is approved by over 25% of ALL citizen-voters and his approval is 2% more than existing Water Guard, the CM will appoint him as new Water Guard within 2 days. The Mayor will not remove an a Water Guard, previously approved by citizens, unless Approval goes below 40% of ALL citizens.
5 CM If the Water Guard has approval of over 20% of the citizens, the CM shall not transfer him. If any judge expels such a Water Guard, the CM shall resign in 2 days
6 Registrar For first 6 months, the Registrar may allow only 1 Approval per ration card. In this case, any of the first two family members listed in the card can file Approval. And "25% of ALL citizens" phrase mentioned above would mean "25% of ALL issued ration-cards". In case a citizen disagrees, he may complain before Jurors and Registrar shall incorporate Jurors’ recommendations.
7 Registrar The Registrar will setup a similar Dynamic Approval process, as described above, for the position of Registrar as well.
8 Registrar Any citizen of India who wants citizens’ Approval for the position of Water Guard can register himself with the Registrar. The Registrar will charge a deposit same as MP election. The deposit will be refunded after over 5% of ALL citizens have approved the candidate.
9 -All- Word "citizen" in the context of Approval, means citizen above 18 and registered voter resident in the city
. . .
. . Section-7 : Jury
1 JA (Jury Adminis- -tator) JA will randomly select and summon 30 citizens out of voter-list between 35 and 65 to form Grand Jurors. Every 15 days, JA will retire 10 members and randomly select 10 citizens to replace them.
2 JA If any citizen or officer has complaint against the Registrar, Water Guard or Accountant or his staff, he will send it to the Grand Jurors.
3 JA If over 15 Grand Jurors declare that the complaint has some truth, the JA will randomly choose 10 citizens between 25 and 65. If a summoned citizen does not appear, he may loose Allowances for 24 months or less as decided by Grand Jurors. The Act will refer these 10 citizens as Jurors.
4 Registrar If a citizen does NOT appear after obtaining Jury summons, the Registrar shall void his Monthly Allowance for 6 months. In addition, the Grand Jurors may void his Allowance for additional 24 months.
5 JA Both, the defense and the complainer will present their case for at least 2 alternate days, 2 hours a day each day. When 6 out of 10 Jurors say that they have heard enough, the case will go on for exactly 2 more days. On the third day, if 6 out 10 Jurors request the case to continue, then only the case would continue, or else will terminate. The Jurors will discuss the case for 2 hours and then announce the verdict.
6 CM If over 7 out of 10 Jurors say that the officer is misfit to serve the citizens, the CM will resign or remove that officer from his position within 1 day. If over 7 of the 10 Jurors say that the officer has made a small mistake, then the officer will pay a fine of Rs 500 - Rs 5000 to the complainer or he may resign. The Jurors will decide the exact fine. If 3 or more Jurors declare that officer has done nothing wrong, he will continue as before.
7 CM If over 7 out of 10 Jurors declare that the officer was deliberately taking harmful steps, and a particular colleague knew about his harmful activities and that colleague deliberately did not disclose the acts, and if over 7 out of 10 Jurors declare his colleague as misfit and ask for his expulsion, the CM will resign or expel that officer. If over 7 out 10 Jurors announce a fine, he must the fine or the CM will resign or expel him.
8 CM "Expulsion by Jurors" will hold for Water Guard and Registrar even if he has Approval of highest number of citizens and over 25% citizens. In such case, the Registrar will void all Approvals he has. But if the person again gets required number of Approvals, the CM will reappoint him at that position.
10 Registrar, Water Guard The Registrar Water Guard can charge a monthly fee from every bore-owner and surcharge over amount of water drawn from the bore.
. . .
. . Section-8 : Procedures to punish a bore owner
1 Registrar, Water Guard If Water Guard or Registrar decide that a bore owner has stolen water or broken any other law, he will issue a the fine after approval of the Jurors. If over 7 Jurors declare that the bore owner is guilty of theft or negligence, he will pay a fine less than Rs 2500 plus 10 times the market value of the water that over 7 Jurors conclude he had stolen. The Jurors will decide the exact fine. If three or more Jurors decide that the bore-owner is not guilty, then the Water Guard will drop the case. If there is any fine, the bore owner must pay the fine in 15 days or Water Guard may block the bore and seize the pump.
2 Registrar, Water Guard The Water Guard or any other officer CANNOT punish a bore-owner without Jurors’ Approval.
. . .
. . Section-9 : Procedures related to Payments
1 Accountant
  • The Accountant will NOT cut ANY checks or pay any party (except electricity bill, phone bill, emergency medical care bill and salary of Rs.
  • 50 per day to employees who salaries are below Rs 6000 a month and Jurors) TILL over 75% citizens or ration card holders have allocated their Allowance.
  • The vendors, such as suppliers of computers or other equipment or suppliers of stationary too will get payment ONLY after 75% citizens have allocated their Allowance.
2 Accountant When the Registrar claims that over 75% citizens have allocated their Allowances, the Accountant will summon a Jury of 10 citizens. The Accountant will accept the claim ONLY after over 7 Jurors approve the Registrar’s claim.
3 Accountant All expenses except, salaries to employees (not exceeding Rs 100 per day of service), electricity bills and phone bills, the vendors will get paid six months after the delivery. During this time, if over 15 Grand Jurors call Jurors to review a specific expense and over 7 out of 10 Jurors declare that there was corruption or gross irregularities, the vendors may not receive any payment. Or they may receive only the payment that over 7 Jurors have approved. The officers must notify the vendors before the purchases that a the payments may get indefinitely postponed without interest or reduced or may get cancelled it over 7 out of 10 members of Jurors say so.
. . Section-10 : Other Details
1 The rupee amount used in this text uses July-2008 price levels. The standing committee can adjust the amounts every six months using RBI’s Inflation Index.
2 . If the officer does not execute a procedure or ignores an instruction stated in this Resolution/Act, a citizen can file a complaint before the Grand Jurors. In case there are is no Grand Jury, the citizens can appeal to the CM to setup a Grand Jury. But under this law, a citizen cannot complaint before CM, MLAs, PM, or MPs.
3 . The Jurors will judge this Act, guidelines, intentions as well as the facts related to the case

10.    Is EAS very complicated for citizens?

         No. Not at all. For citizens, these procedures are much simpler than buying railway tickets. Any poor citizen, who knows how to buy or sell vegetables, will figure out how to make money from his Water Allowances. Getting familiarity with Approval will not take much time as the citizens are already familiar with elections. The moment the value of Monthly Water Allowances drops, the Hatred will make a citizen walk to Registrar’s branch to File an Approval.

11.    Can cost be covered in the Rs 2 to Rs 5 charged by the Registrar?

         Now can cost be covered in the Rs 2 to Rs 5 charged by the Registrar? Yes. First, the cost is a non-issue as the fee is voluntarily paid by the citizen who intends to file an approval or a disapproval. It may or may not bring the desired result every time, but that is true for every known administrative procedure. Lets take some details of cost. Consider one clerk, with a Personal Computer and a printer. How many receipts will that clerk print in a day, and what will be the cost to support him?
         Time clerk took to enter the information = at most 3 minutes
         Number of entries a clerk can make in an hour = over 60/3 = 20
         Number of hours a clerk will work in a day = 7 hrs/day
         Number of forms a clerk can fill in a day = 20 * 7 = 140
         Expenses (Stationary etc) to print 140 receipts = less than Rs 50
         Rent of Computer, Printer per day = less than Rs 50
         Maximum (Salary etc) expense of a clerk per day = Rs 250
         Costs of printing 140 Receipt = less than Rs 350
         Cost (Salary + Stationary) per Allocation = less than Rs 2.50

12.    Will a citizen need to file his Allocation every month?

         No. A citizen needs to file Allocation ONLY when he is changing the bore-onwner. Suppose a citizen wants the SAME bore owner to get the monthl Allowance of next month, he NEED NOT go to clerk at all ; it is automatically Allocated.

13.    What will be the number of clerks needed to manage Allocation of Water Allowances?

         Lets look at the allocation process.
  1. If a citizen wants to Allocate his Monthly Water Allowance to the same bore owner, he NEED NOT visit the Registrar’s office again.
  2. So once every citizen has allocated his Monthly Allowances, the Registrar needs to manage only those citizens who are changing the bore-owners.
  3. Since most bore-owners in 3-4 months will offer the same rates, there will be very few changes (what if a bore-owner suddenly need more or less water then Water Allowances he has?
  4. He can always buy/sell from other bore-owners). Say 25%-35% of ration card holders change bore-owners every year, i.e. 2% - 3% of the ration card holders change bore-owners every month.
  5. Then for every 100,000 ration card holders, the Registrar has to handle 2000-3000 ration card holders a month i.e. less than 150 citizens a day. Just 1 clerk will be needed to manage this load.
         So after first 3-4 months, the Registrar would only need just 1 clerk for 100,000 citizens. And once the process is made automatic with a touch screen based terminal (similar to ATM), the number of clerks needed to run the procedures will further reduce.

14.    What will motivate citizens to file/withdraw Approvals for Water Guard?

         The Hatred. The Hatred against a harm causing officer, and NO OTHER reason. The Hatred ALSO solves the free rider problem. If the Water Guard is corrupt, the bore owners will buy less Water Allowances. So value of Water Allowances will fall. Each citizen will face an economic loss within 1 month. So over 80% - 90% of lower class citizens would approve another person as Water Guard. The reason why a citizen will file Approval is Hatred against the existing officer.

         Desire for economic gain is less important. The Hatred always, always and always plays more important role than desire to gain. The wish to hurt the loss-causing Water Guard is more important than cold calculated desire to gain. In any case, the citizen would not go due to any communitarian feeling or because he had respect for the honest officer. Respect for an honest officer doesn’t matter, only the Hatred for loss-causing officer matters.

         The administrative procedure ensures that citizens can replace Water Guard in 1-2 months if over 70% - 80% citizens are fed up of him. So the Water Guard will have no option but to shut down the un-metered bores. Suppose the city has 10000 un-metered bores. When Water Guards seizes one motor and seals one bore, the remaining 9999 bores’ owners will get meters within 24 hours. And within 2-3 days, the bore-owners will approach the citizens and for their Monthly Allowances.

         For past 5000 years, thinkers have been thinking on the problem of regulating an officer. "How to regulate an officer with discretionary power, without impairing his capacity to act and serve the citizens?" is one of the oldest puzzle and has been around ever since concept of State came into existence. The biggest mistake Citizens ever made was appointing a king/judge and hoping that he would be smart, efficient and honest. The problem is still unsolved, as it is not clear who would regulate the judges and ensure that they stay efficient/honest. So conveniently, the thinkers assumed that the most judges will always be honest/efficient. If these thinkers were sometimes seeing rather than thinking, they would noticed 1000s of counter-examples.

         The one and ONLY known way to regulate in officer is a DIRECT supervision of the citizens. That what replacement procedure a cost effective way.

15.    Wont "Free rider problem" affect replacement procedure?

         The citizen has to pay a small fee of Rs 2 - Rs 5 for filing his Approval. Also, he has to spend some time and effort. Now a citizen will get benefit only when a large number (60% - 70%) of citizens File Approvals. If only 1% - 10% citizens File Approvals, there will be absolutely no change at all. So realistically, one citizen’s participation makes only a tiny-tiny-tiny difference.

         So a citizen may think that --- a) if other citizens do not participate or take wrong decision, his action will go in vain b)if other citizens are participating and taking right decisions, the right thing will happen anyway ---- so in any case he need not spend any money/efforts/time by participating. These short-comings are what analysts often call as "free-rider problem".

         The analysts/activists have been selectively discouraging each-other by citing the "free-rider problem" Why do I say "selectively"? Because most analyst cite "free-rider problem" only in the proposals they don’t like. Further, analysts have highly exaggerated the strength of a person’s wish to be a free-rider. If the desire to be a free-rider was so strong, the %-voting in an election should have been less than 5% - 6%. Everyone would have thought "my one vote will only make a little difference ; so let me relax and let others do the job of selecting the right candidate ; I will get the right candidate anyway". But %-voting is generally 45% - 75%. And the remaining do not vote as they dislike all candidates they know. Very few have desire to "save time and efforts" by not voting. So experience of elections shows that tendency to be a free-rider is negligible when participation needs small efforts/costs.

         Further, I believe that riders are never a problem, mostly the rides are ill-planned. The ride-planner must structure the journey in such a way that a passenger gets at least something that he likes, irrespective of whether others join or not. The ride-planners fail to add those things and then they blame the potential riders.

         Is Approval Filing "well planned" ride? Does it deliver something worthwhile, if not everything, to a citizen irrespective of whether most citizens join the ride or not? Yes.

         The Hatred removes the free rider problem completely. I will provide examples to show that the journey of Hatred and Revenge never, never, never faces lack of participation due to the free-rider problem.

         Example 1 : Mob-lynching. Say 100s of persons are throwing stones on a Hated one. Why doesn’t each person save his energy by thinking "let others throw the stone and I won’t ; this way, I will save my energy". Why doesn’t free rider problem appear in case mob-lynching? Because each person in the mob wants satisfaction of throwing a stone and hurting the person. Even if the Hated one dies, the person will not get satisfaction unless he had thrown a stone. Even if the person is asked to pay a small fee to throw a stone or just watch, he would gladly pay. The Hatred solves free rider problem in case of mob-lynching.

         Example 2 : Elections. Between 1988-2000, 99% of BJP supporters voted for BJP not because they liked BJP but they Hated Congress. And the reason why 99% of Congress voters voted for Congress because they Hated or were afraid of the other parties, particularly BJP. Very few "liked" the candidates/parties they voted for. And over 100% voters had no expectations of getting any thing material from their candidates.

         A psychologist after a number of laboratory experiments, once commented that - "people are much more sensitive to negative than to positive stimuli. There are a few things that would make you feel better, but the number of things that could make you feel worse is unbounded." In EAS too, also, when the Water Guard becomes corrupt, even if the corruption is small, the over 90% citizens’ blood would boil enough that they would file an Approval against him.

         Hatred is 10000% rational. One survives because one Hates who hurts one. Often, not always, Hatred (or desire to take Revenge) is a form of God. In EAS, due to water theft, the Allowance value decreases and causes deep and intense Hatred in most citizens against the Water Guard. This is the ONLY plus point of the EAS. The journey of Filing Approval gives him an opportunity to hurt the corrupt Water Guard. The citizens are not hurting an officer physically, but doing something much more damaging: by Approving an alternate candidate, they are ruining that officer’s reputation and career. It is more lethal than mob-lynching. Each Approval to someone else reduces the salary of the existing Water Guard by a small amount. The salary loss is insignificant. But not the insult. And when citizens Approve someone else, the officer’s career will get ruined and his heart will burn to ashes. To a cheated citizen, the smell of this ash will be a perfume. It is a Revenge, and the Revenge is the sweetest of all creations. Thus the journey deliverers something to the citizen he likes : an opportunity to humiliate and hurt the officer he Hates. No rider will feel burdened.

         So in most cases, a citizen will use Approval whether others join him or not.

16.    How can bore-owner force bore-owners to install proper meters?

         First of all let us consider types of bore-owners. Mostly they are a)co-operative societies like apartment complexes, high rise buildings etc. b)factories c)farms

         In case of the co-operative users, such as bore in a residential society, a bore is used by 100-1000 users. If the meter is rigged, all 100-1000 members would get benefit. But when the meter is found to be rigged, the chairman of the association will end up in trouble. No chairman would take risk of rigging the bore or confronting the Guard for other members of the association. The factory users too are unlikely to show any violent resistance. There may be some violent resistance from the farmers

         If a bore-owner does not put water meter at his bore, the Water Guard should use policemen/judges etc to get him punished. But there are placed where policemen/judges have sold out to the wealthy ones. How can Water Guard force such powerful bore-owners to install metrers?

         here is one strategy, which the Water Guard may use at with OWN reasoning and risk.
  1. Water Guard can publicly notify all citizens using a newspaper ad : "that such and such bore-owner does not have meter and so due to him each citizen is loosing so much cash".
  2. This will create intense Hatred in 70% - 80% of poor citizens’ minds against that bore-owner. If the bore-owner is wealthy, the Water Guard should also write how much wealth he has. This will further intensify Hatred that the poor citizens have against that bore-owner.
  3. Then he should approach 1000s of poor citizens in poorest neighborhoods to accompany him when he serves a notice to the bore-owner. The poor anyway have extreme Hatred against those who have grabbed the Natural Resources. Most of them will accompany and yell foul slogans against the bore-owner and his family members.
  4. When the bore-owner sees 1000s of angry citizens, full of Hatred in their eyes, shouting dirty slogans against the bore-owner and his family members, most likely he will give up.
  5. Otherwise, the Water Guard should "request" him, in front of all 1000s of citizens to accompany him to a trial by Citizen Jurors. And after Jurors approve, he should, in presence of 1000s of citizens pour cement into the bore and shut it down. He should request each citizen to pour one bucket at a time. This way, the bore-owner will suffer a severe loss.

         This is what I call "Citizens’ participation in Government". Should Water Guard be so harsh against bore-owners who dislike monitoring? Yes. As PM Vajpayee in a meeting had quoted Chanakya, "there is no love without intense terror".

17.    Why use a Jury and not a judge to decide cases on Underground Water

         Today, on all disputes, we use a judge’s order as the final word. So procedurally speaking, the Jury System is a very small modification - instead of a cadre or a fixed body of individuals called judges, the Jury System uses 10 randomly chosen citizens to resolve a dispute - for each dispute there is a separate set of 10 citizens. The Jury System I am proposing comes from Atharavaved. It has NOTHING in common with Panchayat Raj. The Panchayat System that was used in India in medieval ages was a Manuvadi perversion of the Panch System used in Vedic era. The Panchayat System of today is 95% Manuvadi and 5% Vedic. While the Jury System I am proposing is purely Vedic.

         In a separate book, I will describe why Jury is better than judges to resolve any series of disputes. In this booklet, I will only confine to cases related to EAS of Waters. There are two kinds of decision Jury or judge has to take on behalf of citizens - to fine a bore-owner or expel an officer. I will show that for both the cases, Jury System is a "morally", a better option than judge system.

         [ While using the word "morally", I must clarify that I am using Vedic Morality. By Manuvadi morality, the judge system is better option than Jury.]

         Issue 1: Who should decide the fines on the bore-owner - a Jury or a judge ?

         Currently, when an officer decides that a citizen needs to be fined, he has to present him before the judges and the fine is imposed only after the judges approve. Instead of judge, in the EAS, it will be "better" if Jury has this power to impose the fine.

         By Vedic morality, the underground water belongs to the citizens of the district. It does not belong to the Mayor or Corporators or judges. Economically, the bore-owner is paying citizens and so bore-owner is a provider for the citizens. Thus if the Water Guard believes a bore-owner has stolen water, he should not have power to issue a fine without the permission of the owners of the waters. In other words, "has this bore-owner hurt the owners of the water i.e. citizens?". Now it is clear that calling ALL or even majority of million citizens on every case of theft of water is impossible. So we have two options - a)we let National court judges appoint National court and State court judges, who will appoint District court judges who will decide the if the citizens want to punish that bore-owner or not b)we choose 10 citizens at random, and consider their opinion first, if citizens want to punish that bore-owner or not.

         I certainly DON’T believe that the judge or these 10 citizens CORRECTLY REPRESENT the citizens of the District. But I DO believe that the 10 randomly chosen citizens, compared to judges, are better representatives of the citizens of the District on the question "has this bore-owner damaged the citizens?" Since it is unfair to punish an accused-thief without the permission of owners, the Water Guard must take permission of the citizens before issuing a fine.

         By Manuistic morals the kings/judges own the waters and so ONLY their permission is need to fine the bore-owner. And so by Manuistic morals, the judge system is appropriate. Further, Manu says that common men are stupid and only priests are intelligent. So Jury System would be sinful, according to Manu.

         Issue 2: Who should decide "Is the officer misfit to serve the citizens" - Jury or a judge ?

         The Water Guard, clerk of Registrar etc. are employee of citizens and not the judges. The citizens pay them by selling the nature or by collecting the taxes or by other means. The officers salaries DO NOT come from judges’ pockets. Moreover, the Atharavaved says that a king/officer has no moral right to continue if citizens disapprove him. Once again, the randomly chosen 10 citizens are better representatives of the citizens, than the judges. So for this question too, the Jury System is more Vedic than judge system.

         Thus for both questions related to EAS, the Jury is better in representing will and wish of the citizens than the judge.

18.    A technical issue : How can Water Guard stop theft of Water?

         Please note that this is a TECHINAL question, not related to EAS. Any system, which involves metering of bores will have to face this question.

         In EAS, Water Guard is there to regulate bore-owners and his junior officers. But I have NOWHERE assumed that he will be always honest. In fact, I begin with assumption that only 1-2 out 10 will be honest and efficient.

         In the EAS, the citizens are the guards over the Water Guard. In short, instead of a current pyramid --- citizens, junior officers, deputy secretary, secretary, High court judge, Supreme court judge, --- the EAS uses a circle ---- citizens and bore-owners, junior officers, Water Guard, Jury/Approvals. The EAS rightly converts citizens into zealous guards for nation’s wealth.

         Administering meter-investigators

         The Water Guard will have to occasionally send investigators to bores to verify if meters are running properly or rigged. The Guard is under Majoritarian pressures of Approval Filing, but the investigators may very well take bribes. How can a Guard ensure that the juniors are honest and careful?

         Suppose the Guard has 10 investigators. Each day he has to make a list of 10-20 bores he suspects. He can randomly assign each investigators a list of 5-10 bores with their addresses.

         Now suppose A and B are honest and remaining all are dishonest. Say C checks a bore-meter and finds it faulty. He may be tempted to take a bribe from the bore-owner, but he does not know who will be the next meter-checker. If it happens to be A or B, then that would falsify his reports. So fear puts a check on a possibly corrupt investigators.

         On the other hand. The bore-owner too knows that each time, the different investigator will come. And out of 10, 1-2 are honest. So even if he tries to bribe the investigators and the investigators accepts the bribe, there are chances that the next investigators would not.

         Installing 5 meters

         The Water Guard should "request" each bore-owner to install 5 meters. All 5 meters should be from different manufacturers and Water Guard should decide the types in such a way that they all use different technologies. Why 5 meters?

         When Water Guard detects a theft, and presents the bore-owner who has rigged the meter before the Jurors to decide a fine, the bore-owner will try to get benefit of doubt by saying that "the meter went wrong, he did not rig it". The Jurors too will get confused.

         Here the 5-meter scheme will be useful. It is possible that they went wrong, but they cannot go wrong by SAME amount. Thus if all there meters are correct, and bore-owner draws 100,000 liters, all 5 meters will show 100,000 liters. But if due to technical fault, one meter goes wrong, still 4 will still show 100,000 liters and one will show something else. In worst case, even if all 5 go wrong, they will show DIFFERENT readings. But if all 5 meters show same wrong readings, the Water Guard can convince the Jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that bore-owners had rigged all the 5 meters

         For an honest bore-owner, 5 meter scheme has advantage. He can quickly detect if a meter goes wrong. In a genuine case, the meter may be showing excessive reading, in which case he saves. In general, if the meters are showing different readings, he should check all of them and replace the faulty ones. The story has a simple moral - polygamy is better than monogamy.

         Setting up separate electricity meter

         The Water Guard can require the bore-owners to setup a separate electricity meter for each motor. And he can ask them to register the electricity meter readings and water meter readings second day and send the log-book’s copy every week or every month. How can this help?

         Now the Water Guard can see that an average bore in a given area pumps out 200 liters for 1 unit of electricity. And a particular bore in the same area everyday pulls out only 50 liters for 1 unit. This way he can immediately make a list of possible thieves.

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